Monday, February 6, 2012

Married Male - MM5

“Look!” your son yells pointing to a scruffy sign, “Cave of the Woods.”  Let’s go there.  That may be it!”

Without further word you turn into the road and are soon bumping along at 15 miles per hour for a mile until you come of a set of ramshackle buildings set against a hill.  No one is apparent so you pull up to the house and everyone gets out.  No one appears.
“Let’s look around,” your son says and walks away quickly to inspect the buildings.  You knock on the door and there is no response. Your wife remains in the car.

“Howdy,” yells a Gabby Hayes character in high bib overalls, scruffy hat, boots and Makinaw.

“We’re Americans on vacation.  We’re curious about your cave.”

“Well,” he exclaims, “You’re my first customers this year!”

“How much for a guided tour?”

“Five Dollars a head,” he says and you hand him a $20 bill.

In a few minutes you and your family are following “Hudson Billy” as he prefers to be called, into the cave.

“Took me 20 years to open up this entrance,” he says, “Some places you had to crawl through it.”

“Did you do use Dynamite?”

“You bet,” he responds, “Love that stuff.”

“How far does this cave go?”

“Bout half a mile,” he says, “maybe further.  I haven’t gone into some of the fingers.”


After 15 minutes they come to a large room, basketball court size.
“OK everybody stand still,” says Hudson Billy and the group comes to a halt.  Billy sticks his finger in his mouth, pulls it out and points it up.

“Do this,” he says and all do.

“Feel it?” he says and all nod “yes.”

“There’s a vent up there somewhere.  Fresh air.  You could live in here!”

“Bingo!” you say.

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