Friday, January 6, 2012

Married Male - MM6

You have let Hudson Billy in on the coming asteroid with the idea he will join your party and survive the calamity if it happens and if not you will have a good laugh.  You will pay him for everything, but you want him to put as much habitation gear in the cave as he can manage over the day. 

You and family will stay in town the last night, but buy supplies as thoroughly and quietly as possible.  You will return to the cave and enter it in time to be shielded from whatever happens and you’ll go on from there.  That you are handing him $2,000 in cash clinches it.

“Can we trust him?” your wife asks.

“Do we have a choice?” you reply and your son seconds with a loud, “No.”  You appreciate that he has grown up quickly.  You know nothing will ever be the same after this.

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